Schlage L9070B 03A 630 Classroom Mortise Lock, SFIC Prep Less Core, 03 Straight Return Lever, A Rose, Field Reversible, Satin Stainless Steel Finish
The Schlage L9070B 03A 630 is a Grade 1 Classroom function lock. This L9000 Series function is an 70 or Classroom function. A Classroom function lock functions, Latchbolt retracted by lever/ knob from either side unless outside lever is locked by key, Unlocked from outside by key, Auxiliary latch deadlocks latchbolt when door is closed, Inside lever always free for immediate egress. The 03A is the 03 Straight Return lever and A Rose. B stands for the Sfic small format interchangeable core sold less cylinder. The finish is a 630/US32D satin stainless steel finish.
The Schlage L Series has long been the benchmark for mortise locks. Beyond strength and security – it offers tremendous flexibility to allow it to meet the needs of most every application. The ability to suite across electronic, tubular, exit trim, and multi-point locks allows the Schlage L Series mortise lock to integrate seamlessly into any environment.